What Now? On the threshold of life, death, and grief.
Presented by palliative and bereavement health care professionals Julie Brown, Red Keating and David Kennedy. Dying is one of the few experiences we will all share, yet little is done in our culture to prepare us for this inevitability and it's resulting bereavement and grief. Drawing on their vast knowledge and experience each episode is a conversation meant to enlighten and demystify the often difficult and emotional experiences of dying, death and bereavement. Presented in partnership with Hospice Peterborough.
What Now? On the threshold of life, death, and grief.
In Conversation with Dr. Naheed Dosani
In this episode we have the honour of speaking with Dr. Naheed Dosani. Dr Dosani is a palliative physician in Toronto and founder of Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless (PEACH). The PEACH program, based out of the Inner City Health Associates (ICHA) in Toronto, provides community-based hospice palliative care to individuals regardless of their housing status or factors such as mental health, poverty or substance use. Through their work and advocacy the team at PEACH have challenged the status quo and brought equity to the health care system by providing palliative and hospice care directly to those living on the street. Dr. Dosani’s inspirational words and actions challenge and encourage us to see the humanity in our society's most vulnerable and often times forgotten members.